**Some updates**
I have yet hear back from the UCI Energy Manager. Patience is certainly a virtue. Also, because student elections are taking place right now, I believe the TGIF Sustainability Commissioner has been busy. I've been having a hard time getting in touch with him.
Did anyone know that other UC systems have already implemented green roofs on their campus? Tom Hawkins of FloraSource, Ltd, recently informed me that UCSF, UCSD, UCLA, and possibly UC Berkeley already have forms of green roofs. Though this eliminates UCI of being the first UC campus with a green roof, I'm so glad these universities are using green roofs. It encourages me that the existence of a green roof at UCI is indeed possible. I am adamant on making it happen.
I want to see the green roofs at UCLA and UCSD...time for some adventures. More updates (with pictures) to come! Stay posted.
PS. Earth Day this Sunday.